Blog Post #1 - Exploring, Comparing and Contrasting the AASL and ISTE Standards
When I started teaching, I had a chalkboard, chalk and some old textbooks. I had no curriculum other than the textbooks. There were no curricular standards much less any library or technology standards. There was no technology. We didn't have a printer in our school. We only had a purple mimeograph machine. Our school secretary/nurse had to take anything that needed to be printed to the district office for printing. The library had a card catalog and that's how we looked for books. My generation has probably experienced the most changes in education than any other generation of educators. The advent of technology in the world of education changed everything. In my generation, we went from World Book Encyclopedias to the World Wide Web overnight. I can remember sitting in a professional development seminar and the speaker telling us that everything we were teaching our children would be obsolete in the next fiv...